Start-me-up Academy in Cooperation with DURA started off on October 6

Start-me-up Academy in Cooperation with DURA started off on October 6

The Module #1 of the "Start-me-up Academy", organized by DURA (City of Dubrovnik Development Agency) and RIT Croatia took place on Friday, October 6, 2017. The topic of this workshop was "How to start up your own business" and the lecture was held by Marijana Puljas in the premises of DURA. The workshop presented the advantages and disadvantages of various forms of entrepreneurship in Croatia, from the expense point of view, as well as from the legal aspect. Around 25 of our students from Dubrovnik campus have attended this workshop and were very interested in finding answers to questions such as what are the key factors for properly choosing the form of business you wish to establish, how does tax function in various forms of business, how to use state funding and many more.

You can find out more about DURA at

Photo: curtesy of DURA