Students and faculty joining forces to mark the World Cleanup Day 2021

Students and faculty joining forces to mark the World Cleanup Day 2021

September 23, 2021

On Saturday, September 18, students and faculty members at the Dubrovnik campus united their forces to mark the World Cleanup Day 2021 by organizing and executing a cleanup action of the area surrounding our campus. The idea started off as a spontaneous and generic communication between Dr. Marlena Ćukteraš, who is teaching Environmental Science courses, and Milena Kužnin, who is teaching HTM courses. It did not take long for them to find a group of enthusiastic students who were happy to take part in the initiative, followed by Kevin Walker, the HTM Area Head.

"It is wonderful to see how quickly and efficiently we are able to come up with an idea and bring it to reality. By taking part in events of this nature, students have the opportunity to exercise experiential learning (Plan-Do-Reflect) and at the same time, have a positive impact on the community by contributing their knowledge, time and effort for a good cause", commented Milena Kužnin.

"Students are very supportive and positive about community events; they feel more connected to each other, to RIT Croatia and to the community in general, and they often state there should be more of similar events in the future" said Milena and concluded that "many of the students who volunteered for this event are also members of the Eta Sigma Delta honorary society and this event was just one in a series of service related events that will be done by ESD students throughout the academic year. Whenever possible and aligned with their goals, the ESD members will cooperate with Dr. Marlena Ćukteraš or any other faculty members of RIT Croatia community in order to support their activities".