Students embarked on the Scavenger Hunt adventure in Dubrovnik!

Students embarked on the Scavenger Hunt adventure in Dubrovnik!

As a cherry on the top at the end of the fall semester, all students from the Dubrovnik campus, as well as high school students from Dubrovnik, were invited to become adventurous explorers and ''Chase Dubrovnik's Peace'' as participants of the Scavenger Hunt Dubrovnik.

The event took place on Saturday, December 9 and it was designed and organized by RIT Croatia students Ivana Čuljak, Dejana Kušić, Paula Horvat, Max Perić and Tena Vuković as an assignment for The Event Management course, taught by professor Domagoj Nikolić.

It all started with an idea to create an event during which students will be able to express their creativity, to spend quality time with one another, and to combine their knowledge of local history together with team skills. At the end of the hunt participants had a surprise party followed by prizes for the winners. Even though it was rainy and windy on the day of the event, it didn't stop four competitive teams to ''fight'' against each other and solve the riddles together with their team members with the goal of finding the final destination of the Scavenger Hunt. Every riddle contained hidden information about Dubrovnik's most famous monuments and locations, as well as clues for finding the next location. The ''finish of the race'' or the final destination was a surprise party at the Street Bar. At the party, participants enjoyed free drinks, games and more prizes.

Regarding the creation and implementation of this Scavenger Hunt, the team had difficulties realizing the event because the members did not have real life experience when it comes to event management, but with the knowledge they acquired during the course, along with the support and help of professor Domagoj Nikolić, the process of designing the event was not only interesting but it enriched the team with the experience they can use later in life.

"The event was an extremely fun and adventurous experience that made people think outside the box and think of creative, alternative solutions to find the clues. The after-party was a complete success, from the choice of music, service and welcoming organizers to interactive games at the party and cool awards," said Pamina Benčić, third year student of the HTM program and the winner of this Scavenger Hunt.

We are so happy to see our students being motivated to turn their class project into reality and we are sure that this experience enabled the students to have a different perspective on what it really takes to realize a successful event.

This event was sponsored by RIT Croatia and Dubrovnik Escape Room.