Welcome get-together for Freshmen

Welcome get-together for Freshmen


RIT Croatia organized Welcome Get-Together sessions for Freshmen at the Zagreb and Dubrovnik campuses, as a part of ongoing activities for the purpose of better integration of new coming students into our academic and social environment.

Approximately 150 Freshmen showed up to mingle with RIT Croatia faculty, staff and their peer mentors in a relaxing and inviting atmosphere of Café Sesame, right next to our RIT Croatia campus in Dubrovnik and in the Amphitheater at RIT Croatia Zagreb campus.

"I was a freshman once, how hard is it to do it again? I guess high school is not the same as college. Your perspective of life changes, you mature, or you might not. For me this is a new beginning and a start where I want and need to be a little selfish to succeed. Stepping outside of my comfort zone is a challenge. That is how I felt at the freshman get-together at "Sesame. Speaking to my professors or future professors, meeting classmates that I might only see once and never again. Well, college is a part of life that only I can control. Who do I want to be friends with, what do I want to get involved in, etc? The most important part is not to lose myself in the madness of college life. Have limits and learn from my mistakes and those of others," shared Michelle Rodriguez Strazicic, a freshman student in the IHSM program.

"Starting something new is always hard, which obviously includes being a freshman in college. Being introduced to new professors, new classmates and for some, a new city as well, was a bit challenging for everyone. For the first few days we were all mostly shy and kind of scared to meet new people and start conversations, and professors were some mythical beings, all serious and talking about the syllabuses and schedules. When we got an invitation for the Freshmen Get-Together we all had our doubts. Will anyone show up? Can we really just hang out, chill and meet professors personally and in relaxed environment? But, the event itself was a complete success. All of us who showed up got a unique chance to meet the fun side of professors and chat with the Dean, while enjoying coffee and some snacks. I am personally very grateful for the opportunity as I finally felt like a part of RIT Croatia community and got to meet my classmates way sooner than I would have," commented Andrea Kecic, a freshman student in the IHSM program.