News by Topic: Grants

Groundbreaking research is always happening at RIT. Thanks to grants from organizations such as the National Science Foundation, RIT can continue pushing the boundaries of all known sciences, from medicine to astrophysics.

  • December 6, 2019

    Jeanne Christman.

    RIT receives funding for Engineering Technology Scholars

    The National Science Foundation awarded RIT’s College of Engineering Technology nearly $1 million to fund 36 scholarships for economically disadvantaged, academically talented students and to develop faculty programming to improve engineering technology education.

  • November 8, 2019

    logo for ELM Enhanced Lifestyles for metabolic syndrome

    RIT conducts clinical trial on metabolic syndrome

    RIT is seeking individuals diagnosed with metabolic syndrome to participate in a national clinical trial. The study will evaluate a wellness program designed to reverse conditions leading to heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and stroke.

  • October 21, 2019

    Three women discuss app on tablet.

    Parenting app for mothers being developed at RIT

    Research is underway at RIT to create an app that will serve as a resource to help young mothers answer questions about raising a child, connect them with programs and resources, as well as foster a virtual parenting community.

  • October 21, 2019

    Moumita Das in lobby of College of Science.

    RIT researcher receives NSF grant to help build a synthetic neuron and neural network

    Researchers from RIT and six other universities are teaming up to build synthetic neurons and a programmable network of such neurons in an effort to better understand the rules of life. The project is part of the National Science Foundation’s “Big Ideas” initiative— 10 bold, long-term research and process ideas that identify areas for future investment at the frontiers of science and engineering.

  • September 13, 2019

    Gloved hands work on semiconductor wafer.

    RIT Sponsored Research garners $74 million in funding

    RIT had its second best year ever in sponsored research funding and a record year for research expenditures in fiscal year 2019. RIT received 366 new awards totaling $74 million in funding, and expenditures grew to $58 million.

  • September 12, 2019

    Quanta Image Sensor (QIS) semiconductor chip.

    Scientists developing single photon detector to help search for habitable exoplanets

    NASA is awarding a team of researchers from RIT and Dartmouth College a grant to develop a detector capable of sensing and counting single photons that could be crucial to future NASA astrophysics missions. The extremely sensitive detector would allow scientists to see the faintest observable objects in space, such as Earth-like planets around other stars.

  • August 26, 2019

    Students wearing high-visibility vests and safety helmets survey a field.

    RIT researches the status of pollinators

    Research being conducted by RIT students and faculty will help determine if additional flowers, grasses and plants will benefit insects that help in pollination. The research is being done across the state, particularly next to roadways, and could help determine if later or fewer cuts to the vegetation next to the roads would help pollinators by allowing more time for plants to flower.