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RIT Global

As an academic advisor, you play an integral part in helping students explore international experiences and have an important role in the internationalization of RIT’s campus. Since students often have more regular contact with advisors than study abroad staff, advisors can be the biggest advocates for international experiences. 

During the 2023-24 academic year, RIT students who studied abroad said that academic advisors were one of the top three ways they found out about study abroad or their specific study abroad program -  your encouragement and support makes a difference!

Roles/Ways To Assist Students

  • Direct student to study abroad website & Compass.
  • Encourage student to complete Study Abroad Blueprint.
  • Help student identify the best time to study abroad.
  • Direct student to academic advisor for preliminary discussion about study abroad.
  • Assist students with identifying study abroad programs.
Application Process
  • Faciliate the course pre-approval process.
  • Encourage student to meet with their financial aid advisor after receiving their study abroad budget worksheet.
  • Consistently reinforce need to meet with study abroad advisor or keep study abroad advisor informed of their plans.
  • Discuss pros and cons of specific study abroad programs.
  • Discuss study abroad application checklist with student.
  • Provide budget worksheet outlining program costs. 
  • Go over course pre-approval process.
  • Consistently reinforce need to meet with academic advisor and keep them informed of their plans.
Confirmed Participation in Study Abroad
  • Provide RIT Education Abroad office with input regarding low GPAs.
  • Remind students to attend required pre-departure meeting.
  • RIT Education Abroad vets student application.
  • RIT Education Abroad holds required pre-departure meeting.
Returning from Study Abroad
  • Allocate credits earned towards students' degree.
  • Process transcript from students' experience abroad.

Study Abroad Application Process for Students

Students will work with a several different RIT departments and contacts when applying for study abroad - RIT study abroad advisor, academic advisor, financial aid, faculty program director (if interested in a faculty-led program), and Access Services (if applicable). An RIT study abroad advisor will walk them through the application process.