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  • Student Spotlight

    Riley Kieffer
    Applied Mathematics

    Studied in Dublin, Ireland
    University College Dublin (Arcadia)

    I have always wanted to study abroad. Sometimes it can be seem difficult for STEM majors because there are certain classes that you must take at a certain time, but I wasn't going to let that stop me.

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  • Student Spotlight

    Roxette Burgos
    Electrical Engineering

    Studied in Dubai, UAE
    RIT Dubai

    As a STEM major, I chose to study abroad because I wanted to experience a different culture. As an electrical engineering major, I could potentially work in a field where I'll be creating tech that may impact the world. Because of that, I think it's important to understand more about the world before figuring out how to help make it a better place. 

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  • Student Spotlight

    Rachael Daly
    Software Engineering

    Studied in Weihai, China
    RIT - China

    I chose to study abroad because I had never been outside of the east coast before, let alone the continental U.S., and wanted to learn about people and perspectives that I wouldn't have the chance to experience otherwise. I also love history and ancient cultures, so I really wanted to go to someplace with a really deep history. 

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  • Student Spotlight

    Imani Stone
    Biomedical Sciences

    Studied in London, England & Paris France
    RIT Affiliate Program (CIEE)

    I’ve always been drawn to travel and learning about other countries. One memory that sticks out for me was when I was about 12. I went to an overnight camp that had an exchange with a school from Spain, so there were some Spanish kids at the camp which was exciting for me. I had never met anyone from Spain before, so it felt like a window into a world I hadn’t thought about before. One of the camp counselors told me about study abroad, and it’s been on my mind ever since.

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  • Student Spotlight

    Darryl Miller

    Studied in Pristina, Kosovo
    RIT Kosovo Peace & Conflict Summer Program

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