
  ATTENTION: Starting May 7, 2025, a REAL ID-compliant driver's license or state ID is required to board domestic flights. REAL IDs have a star or flag in top right corner. Learn more at the NYS DMV website.  


The RIT Travel Department is responsible for processing travel reimbursements in compliance with all necessary guidelines, administering the PNC Travel card program, and providing excellent customer service to employees. The Travel team partners with the RIT Service Center to deliver guidance on a range of topics in support of the University’s business-related travel activities.

Contact Info

For travel-related inquiries, please visit the RIT Service Center or call 585-475-5000.

Employee Travel Reimbursement

Business Travel Cancellations

The information on the table below provides steps for RIT travelers to follow when a business event such as a conference is cancelled by the event sponsor or the traveler is not able to attend for business or personal reasons.

If you have questions about this information, please contact

The full RIT Travel Policies & Procedures Manual can be found in the sections above.

  Operating Budget Sponsored Project

Airfare – If you booked your flight via one of RIT’s designated travel agencies (refer to the Travel Manual for information), contact the travel agent to obtain a credit from the airline towards future travel (good for 12 months from the date the airfare is booked). The airfare plus an airline reissue fee will be charged to your department’s operating account when you apply the credit towards a future airline ticket or at the time the voucher expires.

If you charged your airfare to your RIT travel card or your personal credit card, notify the airline that you are cancelling your travel request a credit (good for 12 months from the date the airfare is booked). Complete an Invoice Payment Form to request reimbursement. Charge the airfare to the same department you would have had you taken the trip using object code 09050 (prepaid travel). You will be reimbursed for the airfare via RIT standard reimbursement process.

For both of the above situations, when you finally use the airfare voucher, go to Oracle iExpenses (RIT Reimbursement for Travel) to disposition the airfare. The airfare will be charged to your department at this time.

Conference Registration Fees – If you charged the fee to an RIT procurement card, and the conference was cancelled or you are not able to attend, request a credit from the conference sponsor for the fee to be applied to the RIT p-card.

If you charged the registration fee to your RIT travel card or your personal credit card, request a credit from the conference sponsor to be applied to your credit card.

If you are not able to obtain a credit due to conference cancellation policies, request reimbursement via Oracle iExpenses (RIT Reimbursement for Travel). Charge the fee to the same department you would have had you attend the conference. You will be reimbursed for the fee via RIT standard reimbursement process.

Other Expenses – Contact for specific guidance.

Follow the operating budget airfare instructions to obtain a credit towards future travel. Follow the operating budget instructions to obtain a credit if your conference is cancelled.

Federal regulations, as well as many sponsors, require that expenses provide direct benefit to a grant / contract in order for the cost to be charged to the sponsored project. Therefore, agencies / sponsors typically require that the university incur the cost of airfare (and other travel expenses) for trips that are cancelled by the traveler or conference sponsor. If a trip that was charged to a sponsored project is cancelled, follow these steps:

  • Follow the university process for all cancelled travel, summarized in this communication.
  • Charge costs to the Principal Investigator’s designated project. If funding is not available, consult with your department chair, dean for an alternative source of funds.
  • If funding agencies issue specific exceptions allowing charges related to cancelled travel arrangement on sponsored projects, Sponsored Programs Accounting will assist with transferring the cost to the appropriate project account.
Graduate Research Assistants

Airfare – If you charged your airfare to your personal credit card, complete an Invoice Payment Form, obtain the approval of the department chair, or other authorized approver, and send to You will be reimbursed for the airfare via RIT standard reimbursement process.

Registration Fee – If you charged the registration fee to your personal credit card, request a credit from the conference sponsor to be applied to your credit card.

If you are not able to obtain a credit due to conference cancellation policies, request reimbursement using an Invoice Payment Form. Obtain the approval of the department chair, or other authorized approver, and send to You will be reimbursed for the fee via RIT standard reimbursement process.

Refer to the information in the Faculty/Staff Operating Budget and Sponsored Project sections above.
Group Travel Follow the airfare and conference registration process above. Refer to the information in the Faculty/Staff Operating Budget and Sponsored Project sections above.
Travel for Non-RIT Individuals

If your department booked airfare via one of RIT’s designated travel agencies (refer to the Travel Manual for information) for non-RIT employees/students, contract the travel agent to obtain a credit from the airline towards future travel (good for 12 months from the date the airfare is booked). The airfare plus an airline reissue fee will be charged to your department’s operating account when you apply the credit towards a future airline ticket or at the time the voucher expires.

If the rescheduled event will not be held within 12 months from the date the airfare was booked, disposition the airfare in Oracle iExpenses. Your department will be charged for the airfare in the current fiscal year.

If the event will be rescheduled for a later date, disposition the airfare at the time the airline tickets are used. The airfare expense will be charged to you department at that time.

Refer to the information in the Faculty/Staff Operating Budget and Sponsored Project sections above.

Corporate Travel Cards

RIT has contracted with PNC Bank to provide corporate travel cards to University employees. All regular RIT and NTID employees who expect to incur $500 of RIT approved business travel or hospitality expenses per year may apply for a corporate travel card.

  • RIT and NTID employees may apply for a PNC Corporate Travel Card.

The corporate travel card is "individual pay" - the employee (cardholder) is responsible to remit payment directly to the bank for all expenses incurred on the card in connection with business-related travel and/or hospitality. The employee may request reimbursement from the University for authorized business expenses. While the card is issued in the name of the employee, it may only be used to pay for business travel expenses including only hotels, transportation services including car rentals and airport parking, meals, and supplies needed while traveling as well as hospitality. The corporate travel card is not for personal use.

The PNC Corporate Travel Card provides employees with a convenient method to pay for RIT business travel and hospitality expenses. There are numerous advantages to using a corporate card:

  • Your credit line on your personal credit card is not tied up with business expenses.
  • It simplifies tracking reimbursable business expenses.
  • Since the RIT tax exempt number is embossed on the card, hotels and other businesses are more likely to accept RIT's tax exemption.
  • Using your card streamlines completing your travel expense report since card charges are imported into IExpenses from PNC Bank.

Please plan ahead to ensure that you have your card in-hand prior to leaving on your business trip.

General Information about Corporate Travel Cards

  • You can submit your application at any time by visiting the RSC for the PNC Travel Card Application. The request will route through the proper approval channels.
  • Once processed, the Card will be mailed to your home address within 10-15 business days
  • Only one Card will be issued to each employee. RIT will not provide a second (spouse) Card.

  • Delinquent Accounts - You, the cardholder, are responsible to pay for all charges incurred on the Card.
    • An account becomes delinquent when a payment has not been received by the bank and credited to your account within 25 days. If an account is not paid within 31 days, RIT will send an email notifying you that the account is past due.
    • If you do not make payment within 61 days of the billing date, your Card will be suspended. The cardholder and supervisor will receive an email stating the card will be suspended and balance due is expected to be paid in full by end of business day. The cardholder's procurement card, if applicable, will also be suspended.
    • If you do not make payment within 91 days of the billing date, your Card will be cancelled. The cardholder and supervisor will receive an email stating the card will be cancelled and balance due is expected to be paid in full by end of business day. The cardholder's procurement card, if applicable, will also be cancelled. You will not be reissued another Card at any time in the future.
    • The RIT travel card is a personal liability credit card; therefore, delinquent balances will affect your personal credit. In addition, delinquencies such as this jeopardize the viability of the travel card program and it has a potentially serious impact on RIT. If you need assistance or guidance regarding resolution of delinquent debt on your RIT travel card, you may contact your HR Services Manager who will provide you with information regarding RIT's Employee Assistance Program.

Leaves of Absence - If you are granted a leave of absence without benefits, you must surrender your Card before beginning the leave. If you are granted a leave of absence with pay, you may retain and continue to use your Card.

  • Lost or Stolen Cards - If your Card is lost or stolen, call:
    • PNC Bank: 1-800-685-4039

Reimbursement for Expenses - Complete a RIT Travel Expense Report online to be reimbursed for business travel or hospitality expenses charged to your Card; RIT will not remit payment for your bill directly to your Card provider.

Responsibility for Payment - You, the cardholder, are responsible to pay for all charges incurred on your Card in a timely manner. Card statements are mailed directly to you and are also available online the first day after statement date. You are responsible for remitting payment directly to the bank. The amount owed for all charges is due by the payment date indicated on the statement. A late fee and finance charge will be assessed when payments are received after the due date. Cardholders are responsible to pay any late fees or finance charges. RIT will not reimburse cardholders for late fees and finance charge.

  • Termination of Participation - Your participation in the Card program will be terminated under any one of the following conditions:
    • When you are no longer employed by RIT.
    • If your account becomes delinquent (past 30 days) more than six times in any 12 month period.
    • If your account is 61 or more days past due.

  • Other
    • You may not use the Card for personal use or delegate the use of your Card to another individual.
    • Misuse of the Card may result in disciplinary action.
    • The Card may not be used to purchase equipment or supplies. Follow RIT purchasing policies and procedures for such purchases.
    • If you cancel your Card for any reason, cut it in half and return to Accounting, 100 Park Point 2nd Floor @ RIT
    • Since the Card is for business use only, it is imprinted with RIT's tax exempt number. All qualified purchases made with the Card are sales tax exempt.
      • Inform the vendor of RIT's tax exempt status before the transaction is processed. You will be asked to present a New York State Tax Exempt form; forms may be obtained from the Controller's Office at 475-2383.
      • Refer to the Controller's Office web page for a list of states that recognize RIT's tax exempt status; call the Controller's Office at 475-2383 to obtain the tax exempt form for the state you are traveling to.
      • Note: Travelers will not be reimbursed for sales taxes paid if they have not asked for the exemption.

  • Use of the Corporate Travel Card
    • Use the Card for official RIT travel-related expenses including the following:
      • Automobile Rental and other transportation services, excluding air and rail tickets that should be charged to the CTA account through one of RIT designated travel agencies. Refer to the Designated Travel Agencies section for more information.
      • Food service establishments
      • Fuel
      • Lodging

PNC Corporate Travel Card

  • Refer to the PNC / Visa Commercial Card Benefits Package that comes with your Card to learn more about the benefits available to all Visa cardholders:
    • Travel and Emergency Service
    • Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver
    • For emergency service or answers call: 1-800-VISA-911
  • Report lost or stolen cards to PNC Bank at: 1-800-685-4039

International Travel and the Fly America Act

As the name implies, the Fly America Act (the Act) (49 USC 40118) is a federal law that requires all international air travel paid for with federal funds be performed on U.S. air carriers to the maximum extent possible, regardless of cost or convenience. Therefore, the requirements of the Act must be followed by all University faculty, staff, and students when federal dollars are involved in the reimbursement process. For federally-funded grants and contracts including pass through awards, it is the Principal Investigator’s responsibility to ensure that all international air travel is in compliance with the Act. The major requirements of the Act and the use of U.S. flag air carriers can be found in the Federal Travel Regulations (sections 301-10.131 to .143).

While international flights should be on U.S. air carriers whenever possible, the Act permits flights on foreign air carriers when there is a code sharing arrangement. Code sharing occurs when one air carrier leases space on an aircraft of another airline. Under certain conditions a code-share flight on a foreign air carrier is considered the same as one operated by a U.S. air carrier and allowable under the Act. For example, if United Airlines (UA) has a code sharing agreement with British Airways (BA) and the ticket or boarding pass identifies the flight as UA ## Operated by British Airways, the requirements of the Act would be met since the designator code (UA) indicates that United Airlines provided the service. However, if the ticket documentation identifies the flight as BA ## Operated by United Airlines, then the requirements of the Act would not be met because the service was provided by the foreign air carrier.

Another possible exception is transportation provided under a bilateral or multilateral air transportation agreement to which the U.S. Government and the government of a foreign country are parties, and which the U.S. Department of Transportation has determined meet the requirements of the Act. See the Federal Travel Regulations at the following link for detailed information related to Airline Open Skies Agreements.

In 2007, the U.S. entered into an “Open Skies” Agreement with the European Union (“EU”). The current Agreement gives European Community airlines (airlines of Member states – see list below) the right to transport passengers on flights funded by the U.S. government, when the transportation is between: (1) any two points outside the United States; or (2) a point in the United States and any point outside the United States that the EU airline is authorized to serve under the “Open Skies” Agreement.

If you are scheduling international travel that is federally funded, you must ensure that all flights, where possible, are on U.S. air carriers or foreign air carriers that code share with a U.S. air carrier. Because of the complexities related to the interpretation of and compliance with the Act it is highly recommended that when traveling internationally on a federally-funded grant or contract you book your international travel through the University’s travel management company, Carlson Wagonlit Travel (CWT). The travel agents at CWT are well versed in the Fly America Act requirements. Please be sure to advise them that your trip is federally funded.

Sponsored Programs Accounting (SPA) reviews all international travel on federally sponsored projects and may disallow the cost of any air travel that does not appear to be in compliance with the Act or other sponsor requirements. When you send your Travel Expense Report (TER) to SPA for approval, your SPA Representative will look at the designator code next to the flight numbers. The TER and actual flight documentation must show a U.S. air carrier’s designator code next to the flight number or a Fly America Act Waiver Checklist must be attached. If the SPA Representative is unable to verify the air carrier’s designator code or if an appropriately completed Fly America Act Waiver Checklist is not provided, the TER will be returned to the traveler with a request for additional documentation. If no additional documentation exists, the traveler is responsible for providing an alternative account (not federally-funded) to charge the portions of the trip that are not compliant with the Act.

If you are ever in doubt, please call your SPA Representative for assistance.

In order for a flight to be in compliance with the Act, the code of a U.S. flag air carrier must be noted as part of the flight number on the flight documentation. Each airline has a two letter alpha code. For example, United Airlines has a code of “UA”. On an airline ticket, boarding pass, or passenger receipt, this code is designated just to the left of the flight number. The list below identifies designator codes for most U.S. air carriers:

Airline Designator
Airline Designator
Airtran Airlines FL Hawaiian Airlines HA
Alaska Airlines AS Midwest Express YX
American West Airlines HP Northwest Airlines NW
American Airlines AA Southwest Airlines WN
American Trans Airlines TZ Spirit Airlines NK
Continental Airlines CO United Airlines UA
Delta Airlines DL US Airways US
Frontier Airlines F9    

In order to claim the Airline “Open Skies” Agreement exception specifically for the European Union, you must complete the Fly America Act Waiver Checklist and submit documentation with your TER reflecting a European Union Member State air carrier’s designator code. The list below identifies designator codes for most European Union air carriers:

Country Airline Designator
Country Airline Designator
Austria Austria Airlines OS Ireland Aer Lingus EI
Belgium Sabena World SN Italy Alitalia AZ
Finland Finnair AY Poland Lot Polish Airlines LO
France Air France AF Spain Iberia IB
Germany Lufthansa LH UK British Airways BA
Greece Olympic Airways OA      

Fly America Act Waiver Checklist

(To assist in determining qualification for a waiver of the restrictions of the Fly America Act under 41 CFR Part 301-10, check the applicable statements(s) below.)

  • Use of foreign air carrier is a matter of necessity because of: (Must check one below)
    • U.S. flag air carrier cannot provide the air transportation needed e.g.
      • Use of foreign air carrier is necessary for medical reasons.
      • Use of foreign air carrier is required to avoid unreasonable risk to traveler's safety. (see 41 CFR 301-10.138(b)(2) for supporting evidence needed)
      • Seat on U.S. air carrier in authorized class of service is unavailable, seat on foreign air carrier in authorized class of service is available.
      • Other - (Provide detailed justification.)
  • Bilateral or multilateral air transportation agreement. U.S. is a party and Dept. of Transportation determines agreement meets requirements of Fly America Act. (Open Skies Agreement)
  • No U.S. flag air carrier provides service on a particular leg of your route (can only use foreign air carrier to or from nearest interchange point to connect with a U.S. carrier.)
  • A U.S. flag air carrier involuntarily reroutes traveler on a foreign air carrier.
  • Service on a foreign air carrier is three hours or less, and use of U.S. flag air carrier doubles en route travel time.
  • Air travel is between the U.S. and another country and use of a U.S. carrier on a nonstop flight extends travel time by 24 hours or more.
  • Any other air travel. (You must check at least one of the following statements to qualify for a waiver of the Fly America Act restrictions in this section)
    • Use of a U.S. carrier increases the number of aircraft changes outside the U.S. by 2 or more.
    • Use of a U.S. carrier extends travel time by 6 hours or more.
    • Use of a U.S. carrier requires a connecting time of four hours or more at an overseas interchange point.

Remember, you must use a U.S. flag air carrier on every portion of the route where it provides service unless you qualify for a waiver. Please forward completed form to Sponsored Program Accounting representative.

You will also be asked to provide the following information:

  • Name of Traveler
  • Project Number
  • Name of person completing the form
  • Signature and date

Printable version of the Fly America Act Waiver Checklist.

Sales Tax Exemptions and Certificates

RIT business travelers may be exempt from sales and use tax in some states. For state-specific information and to print tax exemption certificates, refer to the RIT Sales Tax Exemption webpage.

Tipping Guide

RIT will reimburse employees for reasonable tips paid to service providers while traveling on RIT business. Below is a quick guide for customary gratuities for various services (courtesy of the Emily Post Institute).


Waiter/Waitress 15% of bill before tax for adequate service; 20% for very good
service; no less than 10% for slow service since it may not have
been the fault of the server. For poor service, ask to see the
restaurant manager.
Head waiter/captain Often gets a cut of table server's tip; so consider tipping the
server extra to reward the captain, or tip captain separately
Coatroom attendant $1 per coat
Restroom attendant 50 cents to $1
Food delivery person At least $1 for bills up to $10, then 10% of the bill (before tax.
Tip 15% to 20% for a difficult delivery.
Staff at coffee/food
retailers with tip jars
No tip required; it's completely optional

Other Service Providers

Cab Drivers 15% to 20% of your fare is a good rule of thumb, but you can
tip more or less depending on your experience.
Parking valet or garage
$2 to bring your car to you
Skycap at airport $1 per bag if you check-in curbside; $2 per bag if skycap takes
your bags to check-in counter
Hotel doorman $1 per bag for help with luggage; $1 per person for hailing a
Hotel bellhop $1 per bag for bringing luggage to your room (but a $2
minimum if you have just one bag)
Hotel housekeeper $2 to $5* per night
Hotel concierge $5 for getting tickets or making reservations ($10-plus if they're
hard to get). No tip required when you ask for directions.

*Varies based on hotel rating and/or location.

Note: Tips amounts may be different outside of the United States. In many countries in Europe, the tip is included in the bill. For cabs, check with the locals when you arrive at your destination to determine what you should consider when tipping your cab driver.

Procedure for Requesting Reimbursement for Tips

For restaurant meals, include tip amount in the total reimbursable amount (or the per diem). Refer to RIT's Travel Policies and Procedures for current daily limits.

For cab drivers, include tip amount in the total reimbursable amount.

For all other out-of-pocket tip amounts, request reimbursement in iExpenses on the Receipt-Based Expenses tab with an expense type of ‘Tips-Not Food/Taxi’. Receipts are not required; however, please ensure that the amounts paid conform to the guidelines provided here.

PNC Travel Card

PNC ActivePay Cardholder Guide

This guide will assist you with navigating through the ActivePay website. This document will walk through your first login, what to do if you forget your password, as well as detailed instructions for the pages that you will be frequenting the most. This guide will cover both Cardholder and Approver steps for transaction management. Your organization may not use all of the features covered in this document.

Printable Version of the ActivePay Cardholder Guide

PNC Travel Card Delinquency Procedures

The PNC Bank travel card requires payment within 25 days of the statement date. It is imperative that the balance is paid before the due date to avoid incurring a late payment charge. Late payment charges are the responsibility of the cardholder and will not be reimbursed by RIT. The available balance is not reset to your monthly limit until payment for the previous month has been made.

RIT receives and monitors monthly delinquency reports from PNC Bank.

Cardholder balance 31-60 days past due:

RIT will send an email to cardholder indicating delinquent balance. Cardholder will respond to email indicating when the balance will be paid in full (including any late payment charges).

Cardholder balance 61-90 days past due:

Suspension of the travel card will occur when account balance reaches 61 days past due. The cardholder and supervisor will receive an email stating the card will be suspended and balance due is expected to be paid in full by end of business day. The cardholder’s procurement card, if applicable, will also be suspended.

Cardholder balance 91-120 days past due:

Cancellation of the travel card will occur when account balance reaches 91 days past due. The cardholder and supervisor will be contacted, stating the card will be cancelled and balance due is expected to be paid in full by end of business day. The cardholder’s procurement cards, if applicable, will also be cancelled. You will not be entitled to receive an RIT corporate travel card or travel advances in the future.

The RIT travel card is a personal liability credit card; therefore, delinquent balances will affect your personal credit. In addition, delinquencies such as this jeopardize the viability of the travel card program and it has a potentially serious impact on RIT. If you would like to speak with a PNC representative regarding your account balance, you may call 1-800-685-4039.

If you need assistance or guidance regarding resolution of delinquent debt on your RIT travel card, you may contact your HR Services Manager who will provide you with information regarding RIT's Employee Assistance Program.

PNC ActivePay Pay Bill On-line

Please read the article on the RSC for How to Pay a PNC Individual Travel Card Bill.

Travel Card Chip PIN FAQs

Chip and PIN: What is it?

A chip and PIN card is a credit card that includes microchip technology and a personal identification number (PIN) to securely verify a cardholder during a transaction. The embedded microchip is encrypted and the cardholder must enter his/her PIN for each transaction to be approved if the transaction is processed through a chip payment terminal that requires a PIN.

The PIN will take the place of a signature at merchant locations that provide chip payment terminals that require PINs. A chip and PIN card also has a magnetic stripe on the back of card so your transactions can continue to be processed as signature transactions at merchant locations that have not yet been equipped with new chip payment terminal technology.

Although signature-based transactions continue to be the most common type of transaction in the United States, many other countries are switching to chip and PIN cards. Upgrading your magnetic stripe card with the new chip and PIN card technology is one way we can help enhance your purchase experience when you are traveling outside the United States.

Chip and PIN credit cards are more convenient when traveling abroad, especially when using the chip card at unattended kiosks, such as at train stations or gas pumps that will only accept a PIN to validate a transaction. Additionally, the embedded microchip in the card helps protect cardholders from fraudulent activity because the microchip is extremely difficult to copy and the PIN validation requirement enhances security of the card if it is lost or stolen.

Many features of a chip and PIN card are the same as a magnetic stripe card. Both cards are embossed on the front with the card number, cardholder name and expiration date and provide the three-digit security code on the back of the card. The key difference is the silver colored embedded chip on the front left side of the card.

Today, the United States has very few chip-enabled terminals. Within the next year or two, chip-enabled terminals will become more prevalent across the country. Around the world, chip technology has been used for many years to help protect cardholders from fraudulent activity.

No additional fees apply to your new chip and PIN card.

Chip and PIN: Information about PINs

When you activate your card (via phone), you can set your PIN on the same phone call. Alternatively, you can set or change your PIN by calling the PNC Customer Service number on back of your card.

Each new chip and PIN card will have one PIN that can be used for purchases and allowable cash withdrawals. If your company does not allow cash withdrawals, then cash access will be blocked from usage on the chip card.

If you enter your PIN incorrectly three times, your PIN will become blocked. This security measure is put in place to keep fraudsters from trying to guess a PIN, should the chip card become lost or stolen.

If you remember your PIN after it has been blocked, you may contact the number on the back of your chip card to assist you with unblocking your card. You will be asked to enter your account number and answer several security questions. Then, you will select “0” from the IVR menu to be connected with an operator who will assist you in unblocking your PIN. Once your card is unblocked, you may then continue to use your card normally.

If you do not remember your PIN, see the answers for question #10.

If you attempted your PIN incorrectly three times, your card has become blocked. If you do not remember your blocked PIN, please contact the number on the back of your chip card and select “0” from the IVR menu to speak to an operator about your forgotten PIN. The operator will mail you a new PIN number.

No, it is only applicable when you are present at the chip payment terminal during the transaction.

Chip and PIN: Traveling internationally, enhanced security

Yes, advance notification will help to ensure that legitimate purchases are approved.

Please make sure to memorize your PIN prior to traveling. If you forget your PIN prior to your travels, please contact the number on the back of the card and request a new PIN mailer to be mailed to you to avoid the delays that can be associated with having to reset your PIN while traveling. It may take 5-7 business days for a new PIN to be mailed to you.

Chip cards provide a higher level of security in some countries because the encrypted chip uses several measures that create a complex level of security making a chip card difficult to copy or counterfeit.

The magnetic stripe will continue to be on the back of your new chip and PIN card, so that your card can continue to be used at merchants (local and international) that have not been updated to chip technology.

Chip and PIN: How to use it

When you make a purchase at a non-chip terminal using your chip and PIN card, either you or the merchant will swipe your card and then you sign a receipt. When you make a purchase at a chip- enabled terminal using your chip and PIN card, you will insert your card into the chip reader and then you will be prompted to enter your PIN.

Note: There could be merchants that have chip-enabled terminals that are not set up to prompt for a PIN and will request a signature even for chip transactions. When you insert your card into the chip reader, it will prompt you for a PIN if the chip reader contains that capability; if not, you will just be required to provide your signature.

  1. Insert the chip portion of the card into the terminal with the chip facing up. It’s important to leave the card in the terminal until the transaction is complete. (If you remove the card too soon, the transaction will end and your purchase will not be processed.)
  2. Follow the prompts on the terminal’s screen and enter the PIN.
  3. The terminal will display the purchase amount.
  4. When your transaction is complete, you will be prompted to remove your card. At restaurants, a portable chip terminal may be brought to your table.

RIT Designated Travel Agencies

To assist travelers and administrators when making business travel arrangements, RIT has established relationships with three travel agencies. Information about TZELL Travel Group, Town & Country Travel, and Van Zile Travel Service is located below.

When making travel arrangements through one of the University's designated travel agencies, please use the RIT Central Travel Account (for RIT travelers) or the Government Travel Account to pay for your airfare. The CTA and GTA have been established to provide a convenient payment method that does not require travelers to tie up their credit limit on their corporate travel card - RIT processes one payment each month to each travel agency and then charges the appropriate department's general ledger account.

(Formerly Borrelli Travel Service, Inc.)

 Tzell Park Ave Travel Services was chosen to be an RIT preferred travel agency for several reasons:

"If at any time it can be shown that Borrelli Travel, due to its neglect, failed to use the lowest industry-provided applicable airfare, we will provide credit equal to the difference between the fare charged and the lowest applicable fare."

The firm has provided quality service to RIT travelers for many years. They have been a solidly established, fully bonded member of the travel industry in Rochester for more than 30 years earning a reputation for quality customer service provided by a dedicated and highly qualified staff. Each employee at the firm is familiar with the University's corporate business travel needs; they've made it their priority to meet RIT's specific corporate travel policy requirements.

The office is totally automated with state-of-the-art American Airlines SABRE system. They are committed to providing the best rates & fares, as well as the full range of travel services backed-up with their guarantee.


Self-booking tool (on-line)
Not available

Agent Assisted
$35.00 fee per transaction. The fee will not be charged unless you book a flight.

"After hours" Emergency Service Center
$20.00 fee per call, additional charges may apply

Contact Information


Mailing Address
2820 Dewey Avenue
Rochester, NY 14616-4628


Toll Free

After Hours


Company Site

When RIT travelers conduct business with our agency, they enjoy the advantage of an independently owned, locally managed travel company with ties to the community, while benefiting from the extensive travel resources of one of the most respected travel organizations in the world--American Express. Town & Country Travel is very experienced in University travel and offers a multitude of services, some of which are noted here.

  • Personalized service in all phases of domestic and international travel.
  • A highly experienced staff (all agents have 20+ years of experience).
  • Business and leisure travel reservations (air, car, hotel, tours, groups, meeting & incentive travel)
  • State-of-the-art booking and reporting technology
  • Secure and confidential computer-stored traveler profile management
  • Direct access to our emergency after-hours service
  • Executive involvement in the day-to-day transactions (Our President, Don Johnson, is an RIT alum.)
  • Certified Women Business Enterprise



Self-booking tool (on-line)
Not available

Agent Assisted
Domestic - $29.00 fee per transaction. International - $49.00 per transaction. Fee includes air, car + hotel and will not be charged unless booked.

"After hours" Emergency Service Center
$15.00 fee per call

Contact Information

Teressa Johnson

Mailing Address
732 Pittsford-Victor Road
Pittsford, NY 14534


Toll Free
800-747-2850 x118

After hours



General inquiries–
Teresa Johnson, CEO– 
Don Johnson, President–

Company Site

Van Zile Travel Service was selected to be an authorized RIT agency because they understand that our travelers rarely follow a predictable pattern; traveling to meet grant requirements, certification needs, fundraising, corporate partnership opportunities, research and unique education opportunities. RIT travelers are on the go throughout the US and around the world. Van Zile Travel Service offers solutions to meet our unique travel needs.

More information about Van Zile Travel Service:

  • Headquartered in Rochester, NY since 1911.
  • Privately held, certified woman-owned company.
  • Expanded Office Hours – Mon – Fri 7:30am – 7:00pm ET
  • Outstanding Emergency After Hour Service, no charge to RIT travelers.
  • 100% of calls personally answered.
  • Dedicated RIT email access.
  • 100% of air reservations are compared to a minimum of two websites to ensure best fare.
  • Sophisticated automation blended with exemplary personal service.



Self-booking tool  (on-line), powered by Concur Travel

Agent Assisted
$38.00 fee per transaction

Emergency Calls
$45 fee per call

Contact Information

Mailing Address
2349 Monroe Ave
Rochester, NY 14618


Toll free

Emergency Service

General travel requests–
Online Booking Site helpdesk–

Company Site

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